Thursday, July 9, 2015

Welcome to Trade Manila

Watch out for our new site and mobile app coming soon!

Trade Manila is a platform where you can trade any of your own material goods and barter your services for other goods and services with other users in the community.

Trade Manila's services are absolutely free-to-use.

Create your own virtual store with all the equipment, gear, goods, or objects in your possession. Upload pictures, catalog your stuff and exhibit them in your virtual market. Community users will be able to see your stuff and request for a trade, it will just be a matter of choosing what things you'd like in return.

As an option for trading goods, Trade Manila will have a local courier service as a partner to help facilitate the pick-up, shipping, and tracking of your goods. Although Trade Manila's services will be absolutely free of charge, courier service fees may apply. Another option is for a meet and swap with a fellow user of the community.

If you have any gear, gadgets, or other stuff lying around, register yourself and catalog them with Trade Manila. Get new things you want for free!